Use ifanr Cloud to develop Mini Apps. Easy to get started, cost effective, and hassle free!
Forget about the hassle of bringing up your server, applying for ICP recordal, server maintenance and performance monitoring. We’ve got you covered. With our state of the art serverless architecture which combines BaaS (Backend as a Service) and FaaS (Function as a Service) and integrates with the latest and greatest tooling, we’ll be the best option for virtually all needs.
Free trial →Development tools are constantly updated, increasing efficiency significantly
Free trial →We cover the entire lifecycle from development to promotion.
Trusted by well known brands
Bangkok Ocean World
- 与默林集团合作的室内导览小程序,为游客提供全方位的景区服务
- 答题小游戏、分享卡片,多样化互动极大促进用户活跃度提升
- 支持室内导航,定位精度 2m 以内,远超 3m 国际标准
Bangkok Ocean World Store
- 与默林集团合作的商店购物小程序,实现一站式互动营销服务
- 接入境外支付商及复杂后台票务系统,支持园区不同类型票务购买
- 搭建电商系统,促进品牌周边的销售,实现收入增长
Future lab
- Participate in different frontier technology topics
- Receive future tasks released by ifanr to become future researchers
- 完整的电商系统,提高用户购物体验
- 积分、团购、秒杀等系统,赋予企业强大的营销能力
- 用户管理、数据分析,帮助企业实现精细化运营管理
Weiyan Jiaoyu
- Educational Information MiniApp, developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Education
- Learn about the activities and latest educational information released by the Ministry of Education
- Location maps for major universities across the country, supports jumping into individual Campus Guide MiniApps
广州烟草 e 心向党
- 全方位聚合党建资讯,展示党支部信息,实现宣发工作一体化
- 会议和活动管理智能化和数据可视化,提高党务工作效率
- 在线课堂和积分活动,调动全员学习积极性
- 与广东省总工会合作的政务服务小程序
- 融合微信消费券和「粤工惠」服务平台,实现便捷式领券和无感化支付体验
- 基于大数据技术,数据驱动精准送券和升级活动流程
广汽传祺 e 祺购
- 全方位打通平台数据,实现业务流程无缝对接
- 线上查询车型、预约,线下试驾、购车,打通线上线下的数字化营销
- 构建用户成长体系、积分体系、分销模式,提高品牌曝光度和用户活跃度
- 聚合科技产品的介绍平台,提供新酷产品的最新消息和权威评测
- 提供众多科技产品的众测活动,满足科技爱好者的尝鲜需求
- 科技产品互动交流平台,为相同爱好的人、用同一产品的人提供交流的平台
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